College Hacks & Hot Takes

Choosing the Right College: It's More Than Just Academics ā€“ Mental Health Matters

best schools college planning college student mental health Feb 15, 2024

As parents, we all want the best for our kids, especially when it comes to college. But it's crucial to think beyond just academics and rankings. Mental health is a big deal for college students today, and it’s something we need to keep in mind during the college search.

Mental Health Stats: The Reality Check

Let’s face it, college can be overwhelming. Nearly 60% of students report feeling overwhelming anxiety, and 40% say they’ve been so depressed it’s hard to function, according to the American College Health Association. Plus, one in four students have a diagnosable mental health condition. These are our kids we’re talking about!

How Mental Health Affects Graduation

Mental health issues can really impact a student’s ability to graduate. Students with these challenges are twice as likely to leave school without finishing. And get this: 64% of students who drop out do so because of mental health issues. This isn't just about getting good grades; it’s about being able to handle life at college.

Finding the Right Fit: It Matters

Choosing a campus where your child feels comfortable is huge. Sure, a school might have a great reputation, but if it doesn’t feel right for your child, it could lead to more stress and mental health issues. A supportive and comfortable environment can make all the difference.

Campus Visits: A Must-Do

Make sure to visit campuses. Let your child:

  1. Meet Faculty and Staff: It helps them see what kind of support they can expect.
  2. Explore Surroundings: Knowing the campus layout and nearby amenities can ease the transition.
  3. Observe Student Life: Seeing how other students live and interact can give a real sense of the campus culture.

And remember, any cost of traveling to these schools is a fraction of what your child's well-being is worth. It can potentially save you thousands in the costs of moving a child to a new school later on. Plus, it can help mitigate the likelihood of your child quitting school before they have graduated.

What Kind of Atmosphere Does Your Child Need?

Think about whether your child thrives in a social atmosphere or needs a quieter, more studious environment. Some kids do great in a busy, interactive setting, while others need a calm space to focus. Understanding this can help you choose the right campus.

Off-Campus Fun: Don’t Forget It

What’s nearby can be just as important as what’s on campus. Ask yourself:

  • Is there a fun food scene? Great dining options can make life more enjoyable.
  • Are there hiking trails or outdoor activities? Being close to nature can be a fantastic stress reliever.
  • What other activities are available? Check out local museums, theaters, and sports events. A balanced college experience is important!

More Things to Consider

  • Mental Health Resources: Most college counseling centers are seeing a big increase in students with serious psychological issues. Make sure the campus has good mental health services.
  • Academic Pressure: About 50% of students feel overwhelmed by academic responsibilities. Check if the school’s academic pressure aligns with what your child can handle.
  • Social Opportunities: Students who are involved in extracurricular activities report higher satisfaction with their college experience. Look for clubs and organizations that match your child’s interests.

What We Do for Parents

We know that most parents come to us with concerns about financial aid and getting into the best colleges, and that's totally understandable. But a crucial part of our work, beyond reducing the costs by half or more and getting them into a top school—which we love doing—is to play matchmaker. We ensure that they also get into the school that will give them the best opportunity to succeed.


Choosing the right college isn’t just about academics. It’s about making sure your child can thrive mentally and emotionally. By finding a supportive and suitable environment, you can help your student succeed in their studies and enjoy a fulfilling college experience. Remember, the best college for your child is where they feel at home, supported, and able to grow into their full potential.

We’re all in this together, and with a bit of thought and planning, we can help our kids have the best college experience possible.

At Auxilium, we have over 30 years of experience helping parents like you get their students into their dream schools while paying a fraction of the cost. We’ve helped over 5,000 families save millions of dollars on their college bills through our one-on-one counseling programs. These programs guide you through every step of the college process, starting as early as middle school. Don’t hesitate to reach out and let us help you navigate this journey with confidence.