

Service Options

DIY Options

Empower Yourself: DIY College Planning Courses

For families who are confident navigators, but want to gain an edge, our DIY courses provide in-depth training on college admissions and financial aid. (All courses are included for private clients!)

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Unleash Your College Success Plan: 60-Minute Call With an Expert

Feeling overwhelmed by the college planning process? Get a personalized roadmap in just 60 minutes!  

Our expert will discuss:

  • Financial Aid Strategies: Maximize your scholarship and grant opportunities.
  • Crafting Competitive Applications: Master application requirements and stand out from the crowd.
  • Tackle Any Challenge: Have a specific question? Our experts are here to help.

This call is your chance to gain clarity, make informed decisions, and confidently navigate the college admissions journey.

Book a Consultation

Comprehensive Solutions

Platinum Package: Unleash Your Potential for Top Colleges (Start 9th Grade)

Busy professional? Ivy League dreams? Our Platinum Package is designed for high-achieving students with ambitious goals. We handle everything, from unlimited application and essay support to personalized one-on-one meetings with your student. Start early in 9th grade and gain a strategic advantage. Access to exclusive client events and all our resources gives you the edge you need to succeed. Focus on your career while we guide your child towards their dream school.

  • Includes ALL programs listed below
  • Access to exclusive client events
  • Appeals/Negotiation guidance

Contact us directly for more information and to discuss eligibility. 

Total College Planning Solutions Deluxe: Your One-Stop Shop for Success

Feeling overwhelmed by admissions and financial aid? Our Deluxe Program takes the stress out of the process. Get expert guidance every step of the way – from finding scholarships to crafting winning essays – plus access to our exclusive DIY courses! This all-inclusive program is our most popular choice for families seeking complete support and peace of mind.

Includes the Following (and more...):

  • Includes ALL Ă  la carte options
  • One-on-one student appointments and essay reviews
  • Up to 15 schools supported for applications
  • Admissions guidance, IDOC guidance, non-custodial parent support, and Student Success Program with Howard Berg
  • Identification and application assistance for scholarships

Financial Aid Made Easy: Maximize Your Award, Reduce Your Stress

Feeling comfortable with admissions, but stressed about financial aid? Our Financial-Only Solution takes the burden off your shoulders. We'll handle the entire financial aid process – from strategic planning and filing to negotiating the best possible aid package. This targeted service allows you to focus on admissions while our experts ensure you maximize your financial aid opportunities.

  • Includes Analysis & Planning Program  (see Ă  la carte options below)
  • Includes Financial Aid Program (see Ă  la carte options below)

Ă€ La Carte Options

Master Your College Costs: Numbers-Only Financial Aid Guidance

Comfortable with forms and admissions? Let us help you navigate the financial side of college. Busy professional? Ivy League dreams? Focus on admissions and we manage the numbers. This program allows you to handle FAFSA, CSS, and IDOC filing while we provide expert advice on maximizing your financial aid.

  • Lowering Your SAI (Student Aid Index): We analyze your financial situation and provide strategies to potentially improve your financial aid eligibility. Provide outside-of-the-box considerations
  • Funding Strategies: We explore scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options to maximize your award package.
  • Student Loan Planning: We guide you through understanding loan options and creating a responsible repayment strategy.

Stress-Free Financial Decisions: Get clear answers and a personalized plan to minimize college costs and make informed financial choices.

Simplify Your Financial Aid Journey: Expert Help & Peace of Mind

Feeling overwhelmed by FAFSA, CSS, and IDOC forms? We make it easy. Our experts will:

  • Complete Your Applications Accurately: Get stress-free filing for up to 15 schools.
  • Maximize Your Aid: Access to our exclusive scholarship database to find additional funding opportunities.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: We handle tax updates on your forms as needed.

Focus on Admissions, We Handle the Numbers:

Let us take care of the financial details so you can focus on the admissions process. With expert guidance and support, you can confidently secure the best financial aid package for your child's college journey.

Master Your Applications: Personalized Guidance for College Admissions Success

Need expert help to navigate the college application process? Our comprehensive program provides you with the personalized support you need to succeed.

  • One-on-One Guidance: Connect with dedicated advisors for personalized strategy sessions and goal setting.
  • Stand-Out Essays: Get expert feedback on your essays for up to 15 schools, ensuring they shine and showcase your unique voice.
  • Applications Aced: We meticulously review your applications, offering suggestions and ensuring they're error-free and highlight your strengths.
  • Activity List Optimization: Craft a compelling activity list that reflects your skills and passions, maximizing your application's impact